2016 National Leadership Training St. Louis, MO
The Asian Pacific Islander Organization (APIO) and Women in NRCS (WIN) partnered with the National Employee Development Center (NEDC) to sponsor several training programs for NRCS employees. This year’s training programs will be held August 2-4th, 2016 in St. Louis, MO. See specific dates for each of the four courses below.
Effective Special Emphasis Program Management – Roles & Responsibilities (SEPM Training)
A two-day comprehensive session providing State SEPMs practical information and guidance on managing an effective collateral program. Two-day training: August 3-4th, 2016.
 Working Effectively with Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Producers
This course is expected to educate NRCS employees on outreach focused specifically toward Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) producers. The training should assist the agency to comply with Civil Rights and Farm Bill requirements. Two and a half day training: August 2-4th, 2016
 Women Caring for the Land: Improving Conservation Outreach to Female Landowners and Producers
This is a one-day course that is expected to educate NRCS employees on outreach focused specifically toward female landowners and producers. The training will assist the participants by providing effective outreach strategies and training on how to deliver NRCS programs and services. One-day training: August 4th, 2016.
 Managing For Excellence
This course is an introduction to management for the new manager. Participants will receive an overview of modern management theory and high performing teams. They will also learn techniques to recognize and develop their personal management and conflict styles, and how to handle confrontational situations. The course will also include a discussion of alliances and partners and business planning and will culminate with development of an action plan to carry the learning back into the workplace. Three-day training: August 2-4th, 2016.q